Berichten Archief

Archief van artikelen, persberichten en technische berichten van Volare Software.


Voordelen van het inhuren van een bedrijfsgericht softwareadviesbureau op maat
Kopen, bouwen of allebei?
Hoe we agile software ontwikkelen
De kracht van aangepaste software ontsluiten: is het de investering waard?
Vijf Essentiële Stappen om Ervoor te Zorgen Dat Uw Webapp Veilig Is
"Wat is maatwerk software?"
Tien rampen om te vermijden in uw volgende contract voor softwareontwikkeling op maat
Het belang van luisteren naar gebruikers tijdens het ontwerpproces
Hoe kies je een tool voor workflowbeheer?
Moet je met een offshore team in zee gaan voor je softwareontwikkelingsproject op maat?
Tien fouten die u moet vermijden bij het kiezen van een bedrijf dat software op maat ontwikkelt
Wat kost softwareontwikkeling op maat?

Press Releases

Volare Software Named Best Custom Software Developer in Denver by
Volare Software working with U.S Air Force
Volare Software Ranked One of the Top 50 Software Development Companies in the United States
Volare Software among best mobile app development companies in 2019
Volare Software celebrates 10-year anniversary
Volare Software Sponsors Colorado Give Camp


Reusing Kendo UI settings to make your app's UI patterns consistent
Combining batch edit and detail template edit on a Kendo UI grid
Optimizing bundle size with Telerik ASP.NET Core controls, Bootstrap, and Webpack
Mocking calls with Jasmine
Stop wasting time with enums in C#
Fix for Cisco AnyConnect hanging on Hostscan is waiting for the next scan
Working with two sets of ESLint rules for legacy ES5 and modern JavaScript using Gulp
Convert callback JavaScript to async/await
A quick look at NDepend
Lazy load off-screen images with lazysizes
Trim unused CSS selectors with PurifyCSS and webpack
Working with the latest JavaScript syntax on your project today
Tree shaking with Bootstrap 4 and webpack
Faster Karma test runs that work in VSTS with Chrome headless browser
Getting HTTP/2 working with Azure CDN
Tree shaking with Font Awesome and webpack
Upgrading FontAwesome from 4 to 5
Concatenating and decoding strings from a one-to-many table in SQL
True is Truthy, but Truthy isn't the same as True
Is ASP.NET relevant to modern web development?
Cache busting with RequireJS and R.js in an ASP.NET MVC app
Optimizing JavaScript and CSS files using RequireJS and R.js in an ASP.NET MVC app
Adding RequireJS to an ASP.NET MVC project
Getting the SQL and Parameters out of Dapper for display in Glimpse
Prefiltering a Kendo UI grid with an OData data source
Setting default values for Kendo UI and DataTables controls
Combining JavaScript bundling, minification, cache busting, and easier debugging
Using Kendo UI grid with Web API and OData
Integrating Kendo UI drop downs with Knockout JS
Resizing a Kendo UI drop down to fit its data without wrapping
SpecFlow and WatiN Worst Practices: What *NOT* to do
Fix for weird errors in MVC4 when adding a new Area
Showing and saving user settings in a Windows 8 app with JavaScript
Sharing data from within your Windows 8 app using JavaScript
Building a Windows 8 Live Tile with JavaScript
Making your ASP.NET MVC app look decent on an iPhone or iPad
Using Visual Studio 2012 Test Explorer with NUnit and SpecFlow
Making spiffy buttons with CSS and MVC Razor helpers
Deploying Reports Built with SSRS 2008 R2 to SSRS 2008 non-R2
Adding and styling dynamic content in jQuery Mobile pages
Push to AppHarbor on every push to GitHub
Sessionless MVC without losing TempData
Running SpecFlow and WatiN tests with TeamCity and AppHarbor
Fixing screen saver wait time of 999 minutes on a Dell laptop
Why I'm using Moq instead of Rhino Mocks these days
Using CRM auto filtering in custom reports with complex SQL
Autocomplete dropdown with jQuery UI and MVC
HtmlEncode and UrlEncode aren't the same thing
Sessionless MVC 3
SpecFlow isn't just a WatiN Wrapper
Push your logic to the core
Stop making hay
Generated unit tests are a net negative
Setting Default Values for Multiple Value Parameters in Reporting Services
Using the Should assembly for testing
Don't mock HttpContext
Do we still need coding standards?
What's New in MVC 2?
Unit testing untestable code
REST-like behavior with MVC instead of WCF
Increasing Testability
MVC 2: Electric Boogaloo - What's new in MVC 2
Evolution of a View in ASP.NET MVC
Specifying Args with Rhino Mocks
Moving a VM to another machine
Comparison of Typemock Isolator and Rhino Mocks
Which IoC container should I use?
Why bother writing unit tests?
Validation frameworks in ASP.NET MVC
Review of Sharp Architecture
Where should validation go?
Handling Exceptions in ASP.NET MVC
The case for TDD